Video Gallery
Foster LLP – 50 Years Leading Immigration Legal Services
🎉 Foster LLP is pleased to commemorate 50 years as an industry #leader in providing high-quality #immigration #legal services to individuals, families, start-ups, and #employers of all sizes and industries. 🎉 🎬 Please join us in watching this short video of our Chairman, Charles Foster, as he reflects on the firm’s 50 years and looks forward to many more 🚀.

Foster’s Culture Builds Future
Our Partners Nestor Rosin and Helene Dang discuss our values of Excellence, Integrity, Community, and Service and how these pillars help to shape our culture and drive our success. Be part of this perspective in the commemoration of our 50-year anniversary.

Immigration as a Positive Force – Foster LLP
- Partners José Pérez and Avalyn Langemeier discuss how immigration has been a critical component of the success of the United States and continues to be a positive force for our economic growth and development. José and Avalyn share their experiences and how grateful they are to be able to help people from all backgrounds and cultures make their dreams of a better life a reality.

Developing Strategies for Foreign Investors – Foster LLP
- Foster LLP Partner, John Meyer highlights the key considerations and steps that foreign investors should take when expanding their business into new territories and the importance of conducting thorough market research. By understanding the local market dynamics, cultural nuances, and legal frameworks, foreign investors can make informed decisions and tailor their strategies accordingly.
Desarrollando Etrategias para Inversores Extranjeros – John Meyer
- [Spanish 🔊] – John Meyer socio de Foster LLP, destaca las consideraciones clave y los pasos que los inversores extranjeros deben tomar al expandir su negocio a nuevos territorios y la importancia de realizar una investigación de mercado exhaustiva. Al comprender la dinámica del mercado local, los matices culturales y los marcos legales, los inversores extranjeros pueden tomar decisiones informadas y adaptar sus estrategias.