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Author: Foster

By Collin Binkley BOSTON — He came to America on a student visa, earned a master’s degree from Babson College and is now starting a new business, but Abhinav Sureka worries that he’ll have to return to India. To stay, he needs an H-1B visa, a temporary work permit typically […]

By Josh Eidelson and Karen Weise A deadlocked Supreme Court has effectively squashed any chance of significant immigration reform before President Obama leaves office in January. On June 23, a 4–4 vote by the justices left in place an injunction blocking Obama’s plan to shield from deportation millions of undocumented […]

By Seung Min Kim and Burgess Everett Lindsey Graham doesn’t sugarcoat his prediction: Republicans are going to get thrashed in the November election, especially among Latinos. And it’s going to trigger another run at immigration reform in Congress next year, the South Carolina senator says. “I’ll tell you what I’m […]

WASHINGTON — Thousands of immigrants with criminal convictions, including for assault and attempted murder, have been released from detention because their native countries refused to take them back, according to statistics recently released by the Department of Homeland Security. The inability to deport the criminals has prompted outrage among lawmakers […]