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On Monday, January 25, 2021, President Biden issued a Presidential Proclamation that reinstated COVID-19 travel restrictions for certain non-U.S. citizens traveling from the Schengen area, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Brazil, or South Africa to the U.S. These travel restrictions will remain in effect indefinitely, subject to review by the Secretary of Health and Human Services every 30 days.  Similar travel restrictions that have been in place since […]

As countries across the globe continue to battle the spread of COVID-19, governments continue to warn citizens against international travel. Since March 2020, countries have implemented and revised global travel restrictions to minimize the spread of the virus. Approaching a year later, many countries face the same struggle.  For example, recently Canada has strongly considered implementing an international travel ban as the government […]

It is difficult to imagine a more uncertain time for travelers than what we are seeing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the past several months, individuals around the globe have encountered numerous levels of travel restrictions that have complicated both personal and professional travel.  Since January 2020, governments worldwide have implemented and extended travel restrictions of varying degrees. Many of these began with restrictions on […]